Certified Payroll and More

Our clients save thousands of dollars and dozens of hours with our davis bacon software and advanced fringe benefits management system.

You can be our next success story.

Certified Payroll and More

Our clients save thousands of dollars and dozens of hours with our davis bacon software and advanced fringe benefits management system.


You can be our next success story.

Our prevailing wage software makes certified payroll and compliance simple so you can focus on growing your business

certified payroll compliance

Save money, Save time, Conquer the world.

We help clients quickly save lots of money so they can free up cash and grow their business. We also take all the pain out of prevailing wage admin work

Save money with our advanced fringe benefit management system.

Save hours a week on admin work for certified payroll and reporting.

Become more efficient so you can grow without staffing up.

Getting started is quick and easy.

Trusted by leading construction companies across the country:

Want to hear their success stories? Click on a logo to read about their eBacon journey.

Compliance reporting is a headache!

It takes hours to keep up with payroll and reporting. It’s tedious, time consuming and keeps you from your to-do list. By the time you’re done, a new week’s starting!

Construction payroll doesn’t have to be a constant source of stress. Our platform solves the problems you face every day in the field and the back office.

Solutions for Speciality Subcontractors

All-in one product for General Contractors

Construction compliance help

The Nation’s Most Powerful Certified Payroll and Reporting Platform

government contractor compliance

We solve construction payroll and compliance reporting problems

Our powerful software platform will give you back hours a week by simplifying and streamlining your most burdensome tasks, like processing certified payroll and generating required reports.

Reduce the time you spend on paperwork with one click reporting end eliminating manual data entry.

Reduce errors through our built-in verifications and robust system of checks and balances.

Reduce stress by automating tedious tasks and taking the headache out of compliance tasks.

We can even help you save money and reduce your companies risk by keeping you effortlessly compliant with all labor laws.

You’ll want to see all we can do for you!

We help clients just like you to grow their business and streamline prevailing wage compliance.

time tracking and compliance

A solution for every problem

Learn about our full suite of solutions for prevailing wage contractors and subcontractors.

Time Saver : Simplify everything on your certified payroll and reporting to do list, from automating prevailing wage rates to single-click reporting.

Fringe Saver : Streamline everything from payroll through fringe benefits manager, while saving tons in payroll taxes.

eBacon Prime : Easily manage the compliance responsibilities of every sub, on every project – all from a single dashboard.

Fringe trust : Gives your workers access to their fringe every week through direct deposit or pay card while saving you thousands in payroll taxes & workers’ comp.