A subcontractor had to pay hefty fines in a recent case involving an affordable housing development in DC. They paid a hefty sum of $633K in back wages due to violations of federal labor laws. The case sheds light on the importance of understanding and adhering to prevailing wage regulations, such as the Davis-Bacon Act, the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (CWHSSA), and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what transpired and how subcontractors can prevent similar issues in the future.

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Understanding the Case

The development, known as The Bridge, was a sizable project funded by the District of Columbia, making it subject to federal prevailing wage laws. The general contractor overseeing the project utilized multiple subcontractors for various construction tasks. However, the chain of subcontracting led to numerous violations uncovered by the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Wage and Hour Division (WHD).

subcontractor on laptop

Subcontractor Violations Uncovered

The DOL cited several violations among subcontractors involved in The Bridge project:

  • An electrical subcontractor misclassified workers as independent contractors, leading to underpayment of wages, benefits, and overtime, along with record-keeping discrepancies.
  • Failure to pay prevailing wages, fringe benefits, and overtime, coupled with record-keeping errors, resulted in significant back wages owed.
  • Various instances of misclassification, failure to pay overtime, and falsification of payroll records contributed to the overall violations.

Tips for Prevention of Prevailing Wage Subcontract Issues

Preventing prevailing wage violations requires a comprehensive understanding of regulations and meticulous attention to detail. Here are some essential tips and resources for subcontractors to avoid common pitfalls:

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Subcontractor Work Classification

Ensure accurate classification of workers based on the tasks performed. Track and pay workers according to their specific job roles and duties. Familiarize yourself with prevailing wage classifications and adjust accordingly throughout the project.

Resource: Guide to Worker Classifications

certified payroll system for government subcontractor

Certified Payroll Reporting

Understand the requirements for certified payroll reporting and submit accurate reports in a timely manner. Familiarize yourself with federal and state regulations governing certified payroll reporting.


Subcontractor Overtime Rules

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Comprehend and adhere to overtime rules applicable to prevailing wage and non-prevailing wage work. Stay informed about federal and state overtime regulations to ensure compliance with project requirements.


Record Keeping

Maintain meticulous records in compliance with Davis-Bacon and CWHSSA regulations. Implement robust record-keeping practices to avoid discrepancies and ensure transparency in wage and hour reporting.

Resource: Construction Record-Keeping Guide

Subcontractor Violations Have Consequences

The case of prevailing wage violations underscores the importance of strict adherence to labor laws and regulations. Whether due to inadvertent errors or intentional misconduct, non-compliance can have severe financial and legal consequences for subcontractors. By educating themselves on prevailing wage requirements, implementing effective payroll and record-keeping systems, and leveraging technology for compliance, subcontractors can mitigate the risk of violations and safeguard their reputation and financial stability.

The material presented here is educational in nature and is not intended to be, nor should be relied upon, as legal or financial advice. Please consult with an attorney or financial professional for advice.