Prevailing Wage Regulations

Prevailing wages are set by the U.S Department of Labor based on the specific classification of the job. It is important to remember that local governments can also have their own prevailing wage laws. These laws govern the wages paid to workers working on government projects.

For more specific information select your state:

Alaska Prevailing Wage

Arizona Prevailing Wage

California Prevailing Wage

Massachusetts Prevailing Wage

Oregon Prevailing Wage

Texas Prevailing Wage

Washington Prevailing Wage


Prevailing wage regulations are complex and if not done correctly you can incur huge fines, get it correct every time with eBacon!

A fully integrated and streamlined solution:

Time Tracking

GPS-enabled mobile punches flow right into daily job tracker & payroll reports.

Increase Fringe Credit 

Take the guesswork out of calculating fringe credits. Our clients see significant savings.

Compliance Calculations 

Fringe rates are automatically assigned by job, task, shift, and scheduled increases.

HR Tracking & Payroll 

Peace of mind that you are always compliant and your payroll runs smoothly. Taxes, OT, and sick pay based on address worked.

Certified Payroll

Certified and fringe reports, daily job tracker, EEO tracking, and import into major payroll providers.